Benefits of Radish (Winter Special)


1. Anti-cancer properties

Radish contains a large number of glucosinolates-sulfur compounds that are capable of protecting cells from cancer-causing genetic mutations and also preventing tumour cell development. Sulphur compounds are broken down, which removes substances that cause cancer and prevents the production of tumours.

2. Better digestion

Radish is high in dietary fibre and provides sufficient quantities of roughage to the digestive system to facilitate the digestion process. By helping waste pass into the intestines, a high-fiber diet avoids constipation. In addition, radish also controls bile secretion, safeguarding the health of the liver and gall bladder.

3. Reduces risk of Diabetes

There are chemical compounds in radish that can help monitor blood sugar levels. Eating radish also increases the development of your body's natural adiponectin (a protein hormone). To protect against insulin resistance, higher levels of this hormone can help. Radish also contains an antioxidant that helps to block the progression of diabetes.

4. Better heart health

Radish is rich in minerals such as calcium and potassium and also is rich in antioxidants. These nutrients together help lower high blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease. A good source of natural nitrates that stimulate blood flow is also radish. 

5. Helps in treatment of urinary problems

Radish juice works best to reduce inflammation and relieve the burning feeling associated with disorders of the urinary tract. It is also effective in flushing out the system's buildup of excess toxins to avoid infections in the kidney and urinary tract.

6. Fights fungal infection

Radish's natural antifungal agents have the potential to defend against fungal infections. It is endowed with an antifungal protein that in common fungal infections contributes to cell death.

7. Enhances liver function

Radish contains compounds that help detoxify the liver and repair it from damage. These same compounds also help flush out toxins from the kidneys.

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